Couple en médiation avec Me Poliquin à Greenfield Park

The mediation process is voluntary, confidential, safe, equal and respectful. Based on active listening and needs assessment, it establishes effective communication in order to allow spouses who are separated, divorced or who have decided to stop living together to reach an agreement on the exercise of parental authority, the parenting plan, financial responsibilities, the division of family property and the settlement of the matrimonial regime, if applicable.

Moreover, mediation allows you to go at your own pace, to safeguard the links while avoiding feeding the conflict, to preserve a co-parenting in the best interest of your children, to decide for yourself and to save important costs.

Me Poliquin's role is to reconcile the parties while remaining neutral. She accepts mediation mandates subsidized by the Ministère de la justice du Québec. These subsidies are granted to parties who have in common at least one minor or dependent child.

 In the event of a separation, and if you have dependent children, you may be eligible for a grant that covers up to 5 hours of mediation work, 3 hours if you have no dependent children, or 2.5 in the event of a modification of a prior agreement or judgment such as custody, access or support.

Statistics show that more than 80% of mediation cases end in an agreement. If this is your case, Me Poliquin can, upon payment of fees and expenses, obtain a judgment to give enforceability to your agreement.

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